
its actually pretty fun here ^^~

just that i miss ppl :(:(:(

i miss mei, i miss diana, i miss hito, i miss haruka, i miss sinsin :[


just had mi econ exam ~ dont know how the result will be like..

got study a bit,, but then yesterday go cook instant noodle ._.

we got 6 ppl~ but 5 eating maaa... eat 6 packs of instant noodle :D

so yummy though~~ better than the food supplied @ school~

soo~ went back at 12am n start studying till 3am.. ~



oh yeah ~ few days ago was xiao ya ya (emily)'s bday ~~~

like 12 ppl party in her lil room .. (hers is the largest le =x)

the king game was really fun :P

joker gets to choose 2 numbers to do anything :P


sung min needs to change cloth with xiao fei fei .... her clothes are like so feminine... sungmin looks so ... funny hahaha... he can only button a few ._.'''

got 2 ppl stuff under the table ~

then a lot of random one :P

T_T got bullied sia :[

cos mi card nv get picked always safe they all bully :(

lucky is only fake de if real i die :x

anyways ~~

its kinda fun here :D:D:D

have a lot of new friends :D:D:D


everyone take care <333

i luv u all ... :)



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